Soloed it today down around the Charles River, through Watertown and back. Met up with a really nice runner who was running 21 today and chatted for a bit. I love watching the boats while I'm running down the river.
The new headphones Suave got me work really well and, when I'm not using them, they don't bump painfully on my collarbone, like my previous ones did.
Felt like I had a great pace today and just generally felt amazing during this run. Maybe it was the weather? Ran 1:30, so at least 10 miles. We'll see what the rest of the week brings......2 talks and a trip to Washington does not bode well for my running.
Still have a knot in my quad that's resisting the roller. Will have to take out the rolling pin when I get home, I fear.
Watching Baltimore Football with my brother is an event. There's a common family trait of yelling loudly at the T.V., even when you are in public and likely ought not do so. Heh.
Working got a bit derailed this weekend, with long treks around Boston and a new game - Angry Birds. So addictive.
Oh, and of course the crossword for today. Yes, I beat Suave's butt at it. What did you expect?
This is why we can't have nice things
1 day ago
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