
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Doing Aquajogging Seems Eerily Similar

To the Progress I've been Making on my Outlines.

Getting no where slowly.

I really have no idea how to aquajog. There are two schools of thought that seem to be in tension with each other.

One says: stay in the deep end. Don't go anywhere.

The other says: do laps from shallow to deep. Do go somewhere.

I likely wasn't doing it right but I noticed a difference when I was in the shallow end as opposed to the deep end.

Putting my feet down onto the bottom, I was much more on my toes and much more forward-leaning.

In the deep end, I was making a concious effort to try to keep my feet flat on the down stroke and I was much more upright.

But I couldn't do it fast enough to really get my heartrate up.

So I did some laps swimming and kicking, too.

I'll think of it as a really really long period of crosstraining?

If only I could see more progress.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

There are More Advertisements.......

.....Than News Stories on the Morning News

Really. It was amazing. A quick clip or two, then a series of 4-6 commercials.

Wow. It starts not being worth the squint factor.

For I do need to squint to read the subtitles, even working out about 3 feet away from the TV.

But, these musings and music got me through 4 (?) miles on the treadmill.

I say 4 (?) because I don't trust the speed or the distance on that thing. It said I was going about 8:49 but I'm pretty sure I was going a lot slower.
I'll pretend I was running that fast but I just don't think it likely.

Not after no running and Thanksgiving.

Then, 25 more minutes on the recumbent bike to flesh out my hour.

Fingers crossed that my back/butt won't hurt too much tomorrow.

Sadly, I'm relegated to the treadmill for a while. It's easier to get off of it if my issues flare up.

Better than being in the chill and having to walk home with muscles seizing up.

But I miss my vitamin D. Must find another way to get outside.

Proposed plan to prevent craziness creeping during finals:

swimming, trying to aquajog, treadmill every other day and some biking to add on to that.

That might prevent the excessive weight creep, too.
With stress and no caffeine, I tend to turn to sugar. Eeeek!

Monday, November 28, 2011

At Sea


Well, floating along, at least.

It wasn't so bad, actually. It helped that it was in the 60s today.

About 45 minutes of swimming. The only thing that didn't work was the breaststroke: my back/butt muscle really started aching during that one lap of breaststroke.

So I did more straight up-and-down kicking.

Some bonuses: it is now MUCH easier to float.

And, with the added weight, my arms really got a work-out.

And I made everybody else in the pool look good.

Being at sea isn't the worst place to be.

At least with my exercise.

School: I need to focus more. Being out to sea there isn't quite as comfortable a place.

Funny moment at the pool:

Me to lifeguard: so, I'm going to swim today. But, since I can't really jog anymore, I thought I'd try to Aquajog.

Lifeguard: Oh.

Me: So I don't know what the belts looks like. Will you show me.

Lifeguard. Um. Ok. Here they are. They come in 3 sizes. Here's the medium.....Um, and the large is right under there.

Me: Great! So I just put this on and then act like I'm jogging?

Lifeguard: Um. Yeah. (Significant look at me.) But, you know, this requires a lot of core strength. (Looks significantly at me again. Twice.)

Me, in my head: Ok, buddy. Just wait until next year.....I'll run you down and smush you. And then flip my hair and smile.

Me, in reality: Thanks for letting me know! Maybe I'll try it next time!

Anyway, with exams and no running (besides a mile yesterday), no one needs to hear my whine. So my posts will be less.

Think buoyant thoughts for me!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Philly and Brooklyn

I really wish I could have been at one of the big marathons this weekend.

So many friends were running.

Instead, I biked this weekend.

My dad biked faster than me, but that was only to be expected.

And I got some quality reading done.

And by quality reading, I mean "books I could buy at CVS."

A nice break from work.

I might even try the gym at school tomorrow.

Trying to be positive about this whole "no running" thing.

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Mixed Bag

Well, I went running today.

If you can call it that.

But I cut it short. Only about 4 miles.

And I felt like I had to teach myself how to run all over again. It felt awkward and weird. I had noticed, during the week, that I had developed this really weird walk that was actually hurting my back. I think it translated a bit to my run.

On part of the run, I concentrated on trying to keep my back straight and slightly forward. The rest of it, I was just trying to get my feet up.

I actually couldn't run fast enough to make me breathe heavily. That was sort of sad.

All the way across my lower back was hurty/numb for a lot of the run.

More worryingly, my hip flexor/inner thigh on my right side started to bind up/get sore/pulled.
Maybe because of my weird walk I've developed? I've got to try to fix that!

So I ran. That was good. But it wasn't a very good run. And I lost all my money and my old health care card somewhere on the Mall this morning.
Thanks to the Vivacious Redhead, though, I know better than to put my driver's license in there. So at least I didn't lose that!
I don't know. I'm really worried I am going to have to stop running for a while, with this weight and this injury.

And I really don't like the sound of that.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Back Biking

Taking 5 days off was hard! Especially because I was trying to write during that time.

I have problems settling down to write. These problems aren't helped by my excessive energy burst followed by energy lows I seem to get when not working out.

Plus, when I write, I like to eat.

But, if I haven't worked out, there's no room in my tummy! Sigh.

The bike was ok.

Well, it was boring. But I did it.

I'm going to try to run tomorrow. We will see if I can do it. I'm nervous.

Back to work.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Almost Exactly Like a Party Night

Last night, I went all the way across town. After 8:00pm. To Georgetown, noted party place in DC.

I was up past 11:00pm! And I spent $82, including the bus fare there and back.

Party! Whoo Hoo!

I didn't get up until almost 7:00am! And my body was all achy. I must have had a good time last night.

Em. Yeah. Except I wasn't clubbing. Or out at killer happy hours. Or tasting my way through the Continent.

I got a massage.

Hey, if it helps my muscle pull from spasming, I am all for it! Even with the achiness in the morning.

Plus, when all the kids ask what I did last night, I can say "oh, I went out on the town. Feeling kind of rough this morning but, you know......."
Maybe I'll get street cred?
Especially because we have a final due soon?
A girl can dream.
And maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to run by the end of the week!

Day 4 of no exercise is rough.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Memories.....The Sweet Memories.....

I couldn't sleep much last night. 1st exam nerves.

So, I spent some quality time between dark and darker thirty, thinking about my favorite runs and running partners in NYC while I tried to prevent my cat from cutting off my circulation and possibly my breathing.

I miss running with Ivy League and LSE and Superman - especially all together or in some kind of duo combination. The dynamic between Ivy League and either of them was hilarious.

Plus, running with them helped me not be a lazy runner: something I definitely am right now. At least one would usually take off at some point in the run, zinging home how much faster they all are than I am. I'm a plodder but having someone push the pace makes even a plodder a bit faster.

Ok. I'm not running at all right now, either literally or within the last week. Thankfully, I'm not running right now because my typing wouldn't hold up. Sadly, I'm not running this week becaues of my muscle pull.

But, you know what I mean!

Also, courses. When I get to run longer distances, I know that I'll appreciate DC's trail system more. And I've already enjoyed a lot of scenery.
But, DC, I'm sorry. There is no Far Rockaway run here. Nor a Forest Park run. Though you can run through the equivalent of East New York if you feel like it. I've done a bit of that but, without my trusty urban companion Ivy League, I haven't felt as comfortable doing so. I'm not very fast right now, after all!
Oooh! Or the bridges run! I LOOOOOVE NYC bridge running! Except when I'm going over the Queensboro Bridge. Then, it never seems like a good idea.
And, of course, in NY, there are the lovely leaping ladies to keep me company on runs, as well.


DC has been great. But I wish I could run at all right now. And I wish I could run more. And faster. That would open up my options.

Running with History and all of them is really cool, don't get me wrong. I just wish I could do more and with more people.

Having running as your main social outlet isn't as awesome as it could be when you can't really do it.


Ok. Enough waxing nostalgic and feeling sorry for myself. I've got a test to prepare for!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Pain in my A**

Literally, sadly.

I went to the doctor and it's official: a major muscle pull in my piriformus.

Much better than a nerve pinch, so I'm hoping that the diagnosis is accurate. However, I know better than most how long a muscle pull can take to heal.

Sadly, no "race" for me on Sunday, then.

I am anti. Especially since I had paid for it. And Suave had signed up for an accompanying race. So it would have been almost as if we were racing together, for the first time.


So I've been burning about 2 calories/day on the recumbant bike. I hate that thing. It is like a segue: you can't possibly look cool/interesting doing it.


But, I need to remember patience. And to try not to eat too much in boredom/crippling anxiety (these things come in waves) as the exams approach.

Monday, November 7, 2011

New Goal?

So I won't be posting much this week. Stupid back. No one wants to hear about me burning 2 calories on a stupid recumbent bike.

To lift me up from anxiety, though, I need a new goal. I am not even sure that I'll be able to run the race I signed up for this weekend and I don't want to sign up for the Annapolis 1/2, the weekend after, because I'm too afraid that I won't be able to run that one either.

Did I mention, stupid back?! Everyone needs to stretch. I don't care if they came out with studies otherwise, you need to stretch before going out in the cold. I know that's how I hurt my back.

Anyway, back on track......

What about San Fransisco? It's in late July. Or there is an interesting marathon called the Salmon Marathon in Idaho in September.......
Ideas for other races in mid to late summer? Too soon? Too late?

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I got overinspired by the beautiful weather and the NYC marathon today.

So I tried to run. I got about 1/2 a mile.

Yeah. Sad.

The walk back was long and kinda painful.

Ideas for crosstraining this week? I've got a "race" on Sunday and I would like to try to actually run that.
But, if I do nothing, I'm afraid I'll get too antsy and try to run too early.

The gym here has an elliptical, a recumbent bike, and some treadmills.

Booh. I am anti!


Almost to the end of the hallway on the left, just across from the second set of doors that hide the old sports equipment, hangs a picture of my father as I never knew him.
My father always claims to hate this picture. Dad grumbled when my grandfather had the picture drawn from an old photograph, claiming his father was just wasting a lot of money.
It's not a great drawing: some of the lines look a little bit too. Too thought-out. Too studied.
The picture arrests me every time I go down that hallway: my steps hitch as I see my father, with curved cheeks and a thoughtful happiness in his face, as he's standing outside.
I don't remember whether he really is, but I always imagine that he was just out to go fishing.
Out at my grandparents' farm.
That I know I've made up: they didn't own the farm when my dad was that small.
But the outdoors pictured have the same smell of pine and rotting reeds, with a whiff of hay, cow feed and motor oil in the background.

We went fishing yesterday. I could see the cabin's logs reflecting on the surface as I cast my rod. Everywhere. In the trees, in the reeds, in the brambles.

Without me having to ask, my dad hooked my worm for me.

He even switched poles when he kept catching fish, as if it were the pole, and not my massive incompetence that was preventing me from the haul of a lifetime - or, at least, some of the teensy bluegills he was catching.
When we got back, I went out to find him to tell him I was leaving.
He stopped in his gutting, beheading and scaling of the fish to wish me a good trip.
He was so patient at the pond. Waiting for a bite, waiting for the fish to set, then reeling in at just the right speed.
Maybe my dad will teach me how to fish one of these days.

We rode together Saturday morning. He beat me. It was still fun. Perhaps, today, my back will feel better enough to run. Seems strange to not run at all today, given that the same time last year I was running NYC.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

If I Weren't Me

I'd Kick Myself in the Head! Or, at least, I'd kick the I'm-late-for-the-run-I-can't-possibly-make-time-to-stretch-even-though-it's-cold-outside me in the head.


Met up with the fellows for a run around Jefferson Memorial and the FDR Memorial. I was doing something else until the last minute - as the run got changed to a later 8:0am - and so raced out the door instead of stretching.

Yeah. About that.

A bit into the run, my right lower back, into my rear end, started hurting. Then it got worse. Especially when we had to stop for lights or cars.

I ended up having to wave them ahead for the last mile as I hobbled home.

Now, I don't know if I can even make it to class today. I'm having enough trouble getting across my living room!

Fingers crossed that it will be better for my fun longer run tomorrow.......

Booh me!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


"Do you ALWAYS run this slowly, Sis?"

Sheesh. Coming from my brother who, although the awesomest older brother I could wish for, does't work out very much, this was embarrasing.

I mean, it wasn't THAT slow, was it?

But it was fantastic to be able to share the sunrise over the Capitol with my big bro. It helped calm my nerves and wake me up, all at the same time.

Which is really important, as the more I get stressed, the less time I seem to have to sleep, which makes me more stressed.

And all I can do to wake myself up is sugar. No caffeine. Can only work out once a day, max.

Oi. Maybe that's why I'm running so slowly!

That and my status as an HOV.

About 6 1/2 miles this morning. This week is going to be low mileage, I'm afraid.

But I'm trying to remember the important of sleep. More sleep means better working. Less sleep, more mind wandering.