Last night, I went all the way across town. After 8:00pm. To Georgetown, noted party place in DC.
I was up past 11:00pm! And I spent $82, including the bus fare there and back.
Party! Whoo Hoo!
I didn't get up until almost 7:00am! And my body was all achy. I must have had a good time last night.
Em. Yeah. Except I wasn't clubbing. Or out at killer happy hours. Or tasting my way through the Continent.
I got a massage.
Hey, if it helps my muscle pull from spasming, I am all for it! Even with the achiness in the morning.
Plus, when all the kids ask what I did last night, I can say "oh, I went out on the town. Feeling kind of rough this morning but, you know......."
Maybe I'll get street cred?
Especially because we have a final due soon?
A girl can dream.
And maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to run by the end of the week!
Day 4 of no exercise is rough.
This is why we can't have nice things
5 weeks ago
Across DC at 11P alone via any form of transportation sounds risky for a young woman. Perhaps something closer to you?