Especially when you are adding in sugar-free candy, is NOT the best idea the day before your first run in a new city.
Or, so I found out!
I really should have known better: haven't I gone down the sugar-free candy route before?!
Flashback to NC, where I couldn't stand up because of the stomach pains......
Ok: don't need to remember any more of those incidents!
The point is, I really did know better. But I ate it all anyway.
Which is what i do, with candy. No more for me! I swear!
.....I stepped out of the house with high expectations but a bit of a late start, having spent too much time investigating routes on the Internet.
Off I went, looking to meet up with the Capital Crescent Trail!
And then there i stopped, at almost every light. Intervals? Not really.
Note to self: trying to run across town at 8:00am is not the best idea.
Having gotten a bit lost in places, and after much head-scratching as to how to get across the highway on K (you have to do the pedestrian equivalent of a shimmy-bop-heel-toe-heel-switch-and-change), I got to Water Street in Georgetown and the beginning of the trail.
Actually, it was good that I had all those stoplights: my stomach cramps had me doubled over at many of those intersections.
Ow. Ow. Ow.
Especially fun in anew city where you don't know the locations of handy bathrooms!
The trail was awesome. I'd love to go more than the mile plus I ran before I turned back.
Maybe when I've got company......
More stomach cramps. I looked so hard-core, bending over at the waist and clutching my stomach, like I had just been doing serious windsprints.
At least I looked good for my public!
The reality was much different.
In fact, there was some walking involved at the end of this run.
I never did get to ten miles.
Sanitation wins out over duration, sometimes.
That is likely for the best.
9.75 (mainly running) miles.
This is why we can't have nice things
5 weeks ago
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