Taking a 3-hour Glucose test is terrible.
(1) It's actually much longer than 3 hours. You have to fast for at least 12 hours before the test. Then, you have to wait around for them to actually get to you at the lab. Then, the 3 hours starts.
(2) You chug a drink that tasts like melted orange popsicles. It's really cold, so it freezes your throat and gives you a cold headache. I think they might make it cold so it doesn't taste as bad, but who wants to chug an almost-frozen drink? It would be frozen, I think, except for the exessive sugar content.
(3)You then sit in a crowded lab waiting room with no tables and no internet. Oh, and no beds. Which you actually are missing. Because the sugar-on-an-empty-stomach-with-little-to-no-water (don't want to DILUTE it, do we?) makes you sleepy. Very sleepy. Not condusive to reading black-letter law on Contracts, certainly.
(4)They put a lot of tape over the gauze when they draw your blood. And they have to go back into the same veins. So you repeatedly have to rip tape off of your forearms. Which have hair on them. Think waxing but for no beautification purpose.
(5)Likely, if you need to take this test, you have some kind of sugar issue. Like reactive hypoglycemia. Or something related. So you are sitting on a plastic chair, trying not to pass out as you sweat profusely, feel anxious, nervous and faint-y.
(6) Then, you get to find your way home. With all the reading materials you brought to try to occupy yourself for 4 hours. Which you have to strap on your back. Which makes your legs - already dodgy because of the sugar reaction and lack of food - more buckly. So you start walking down the street, looking either like a sailor just on leave or a stumble-bum. Always awesome.
I could go on. But, I got my very own limo ride. For $1. Yes. $1.
The Circulator bus emptied out about 2 stops after I got on. It was just me and the driver. Awesome.
That almost made up for the lost work time. And I didn't even pass out in the back.
This is why we can't have nice things
5 weeks ago
Glucose tolerance test no longer used to diagnose reactive hypoglycemia????