I might have to do it.
Trying to watch some really boring news show while sweating away on the treadmill, I decided this.
Plus, everything sorta feels worse on the treadmill: the sweat is sweatier, the aches are stronger, the cramps stay for longer.
Maybe because there is nothing else on which to focus?
I did another 4 miles at 8:49, though. All I could stand. Plus, I started getting some wrap-around cramps from my back, around my right side and into my abdomen.
Likely just back cramps but it made me nervous! So, after 4, I walked a bit then did 20 more minutes on the bike.
Getting a social fix this afternoon, I actually went to History's house to make gnocci. I think I might have to try to go on that Wednesday morning run.
Fingers crossed that nothing seizes up........
This is why we can't have nice things
5 weeks ago
If cramping, perhaps a visit to doctor might be appropriate??? Glad you can have social breaks during exams.