
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I Can't Wait

to be able to pull up my knee-high socks without grunting

to sleep on my stomach

to run without people getting mad at me

to run and actually pass someone

to not have to wear plus-sized clothing

for my thighs to no longer touch, again

to be able to eat fruits and vegetables with no consequences

to sit by myself and not have people staring at me

to go on a diet (now THAT'S a statement that has never come out of my mouth before!)

to put on pants without a major balancing act

for my feet not to swell

for people to stop asking me, with a patronizing smile, "how are you doing?"

to have my brain back, such as it is

to run again


  1. Soon! Though I'm sure there will be a new list including, "to sleep through the night..." to replace this one.

  2. I still don't think I have my brain back...

    You are so close!!

  3. i am pretty sure everyone always stares at you.
