
Thursday, February 16, 2012

I'm Glad I Worked Out Alone

My bladder isn't what it used to be.

I had to waddle to the bathroom mid-jumping jacks circuit.

Other observations on doing a work-out tape in this condition:

Doing the modified push-ups, as I've been neglecting my arms and had to downgrade to the wussy version, my stomach hits the ground before my arms bend into the full push-up postion. Awkward.

Burpees? Yeah. Maybe in quadruple-slow-time. And my knees crackle.

Switching back and forth from the floor to running in place: I don't have to do nearly as many of any of it. That's what happens when you have to pull yourself up via the tv stand.

Jumping in general - pretty hilarious.

On the plus side, this silly bootcamp work-out tape - you know, the one that I could do while barely breaking a sweat, before? - currently kicks my rear.

Again, I'm glad I worked out alone.

1 comment:

  1. I did a yoga dvd where they showed 3 women doing the workout, each in a different trimester. The third trimester woman was named Poppy and she was huge. When I started doing it early in my pregnancy, I made fun of her to myself as I went through the workout. But by the end, I looked just like her and had to do all, of not more, of the modifications that she did to get through the workout. B would walk by an say "you're just like Poppy!" and I would groan. Amazing what our bodies can do, isn't it?
