
Sunday, September 11, 2011

New Neighborhoods

Georgia Avenue, in parts of Petworth, is kinda sketchy. Interestingly, when you go just a few blocks over to 16th street, you see large houses, lawns, and at least 50% yuppies.

Reminds me of Baltimore.

Also makes me glad that I run. How else would I experience most of these neighborhoods, otherwise?

Along the way, I recognized where I crossed Georgia Avenue on Friday. Since I'm only jogging, I can see the buildings in enough detail to notice eccentricities.

If I were driving, I doubt I would have noticed that I had crossed paths with myself at all.

First, I ran down 3rd Street until I got to E St. SW. A quick jog over to 4th street and then down to M St, which turns into Maine.

Interesting mix of houses and businesses down by the waterfront.

Turning onto 7th, a long slog uptown. Through this part of the run, I wasn't feeling that great. Breathing problems and tiredness was dogging me.

"Should I bail the rest of the run?" "Maybe after I pass Howard. Then, I'll have run at least around 6."

I should have listened to myself Saturday. Bummed I had to bail on Lebanese food with my best friend, I consoled myself with some early nachos and Italian Ice. Both of which made me not feel very well.

So I didn't really eat anything past 5:00pm on Saturday.

Not enough if I'm going running in the morning!

For, as soon as I ate about 3/4 of a gu that I brought with me, I felt much better - even though I was going uphill.

7th Street, which turns into Georgia Avenue, is pretty much ALL uphill when you are heading North.

At Missouri Avenue, I cut to the left and then took a left again on 16th.

Exit the crackheads enter the yuppies. Weird.

Boy, was I tired once I got down to Massachusetts Avenue. I let myself slow down even more as I headed home.

A bit over 13 slow, warm miles

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