Saturday was a banner day.
Sure, I didn't get homework done. So not in terms of responsibility or work ethic.
But it was in terms of food!
Xena and I got to go up to her mom's house for a family dinner. And the in-laws would be there. Which means that the extra-super-delicious food would be more extra-super-delicious and more plentiful.
I wore a caftan equivalent, just to make sure I could fit it all in.
In preparation, I knew I needed to do some running: otherwise, how would I ever manage to fit in that extra serving of soup after the cheese and olive tray and the veggies? Oh, and dessert. And candy.....
Yep. A run was a must.
So I got up early and drove to downtown Baltimore.
Parking on Charles at Friends School, I ran up Charles to Lake Avenue. Took a left on Lake, then left onto Roland Avenue. Up a steep incline before getting to bask in some downhill: I don't think I've gotten up the courage to do this part of the run the opposite way: so many hills!
Past my brothers' old school and Roland Park, then across Coldspring and down onto University, where I encountered some more uphills on the way to St. Paul's Street. Right onto St. Paul's and then down to 33rd, where I took a left to go to the Reservoir.
Then, the same thing happened that happened when the Vivacious Redhead and I were running in Baltimore: I started getting passed in the opposite direction by runners. A LOT of them.
And, just like last time, Baltimore runners have NO sense of other pedestrians - maybe they don't see enough of them? I had to keep jumping out of the way as people didn't look up or didn't think to move over to let someone else pass.
And they weren't going that fast. And it wasn't a race: it was a tune-up run for the Baltimore marathon.
I got peeved enough I told one of the water station volunteers about it when I got to Lake Montebello.
Not that it will likely make a difference, but it made me feel better.
Anyway, did a nice loop around the lake, though the humidity was really getting to me by this point.
Back up 33rd and then a right onto Charles Street.
Something new I learned: Charles turns into Charlecote for one block where I normally run on it. Charles, itself, is one block over. I've been around Baltimore all my life and didn't know that until this weekend!
I struggled a bit up the hill to Coldspring, and again up past Loyola and Notre Dame back to the car.
about 11 1/4 but slow.
Tired but ready for that delicious, delicious food.
Though I still hadn't recovered from the week before. Saturday night, Xena came down to my house and then had to fend for herself as I could barely drag myself through the door to bed.
Another almost 10 hours of sleep.
Why am I so dragg-y?!
This is why we can't have nice things
5 weeks ago
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