Or, How I'm Afraid of Thunderstorms.
As I'm sitting here, typing this, I am looking out the window. Yes, I am doing both at the same time: I really embraced "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing".
And it is NOT raining. But I ate breakfast too late and, so really shouldn't run out to the 6:30am meetup in Staunton Park.
Grrrrr. Jillian again.
Last night, instead of an interesting chat with new people while stretching my legs, I looked at two things: the wall and the close-captioned T.V. I chatted to myself. People quickly got off the neighboring equipment.
5 torturous miles on the treadmill at a fairly slow speed and another 35 minutes on the recumbent bike. Which likely doesn't even DO anything, aerobically, for me.
Because I am afraid of thunderstorms.
After getting trapped outside in Alabama a few too many times, with no where to run, I have become a thunderstorm pansy.
The thing is, there are TALL BUILDINGS in DC. So why the excessive nervousness? It certainly makes me miss out on experiences.
Like last night. It only rained for part of the time. Not even sure if there was lightning.
There certainly isn't this morning. Sigh.
Suggestions for how to make me lose this phobia?
This is why we can't have nice things
5 weeks ago
Who needs war when we have Mother Nature? Rule as I recall - if lightning is present, stay inside. Otherwise, one can "run in the rain."
ReplyDeleteSo, in other words, I'm not being a total weenie when there are thunderstorms? Good. Sometimes it FEELS like I'm being a weenie for not going outside in a thunderstorm.