I slightly miscalculated my miles this week. Having to miss last Sunday for my knee put me in a bit of a panic. Having only 7 1/4 miles on Tuesday put me in a bit more of a panic.
I am supposed to be training for Birmingham, after all! Which is way too close for comfort. Why did I think it was a good idea to do this turnaround to another marathon thing again?!
At least I gave myself an additional month this time! Last year, Phoenix was in January and Birmingham is in February, at least. Here's to learning curves, however slight the incline!
I still don't know how I overshot my miles. Maybe I miscalculated. I'll do it again, here.
Sunday: 0 miles (I always start on Sunday because, otherwise, I'd be tempted to slack. It is Sunday, after all! But I feel bad starting out the week by slacking. I still do it but I feel worse.)
Monday: 12.5 miles (that's approximate. I ran two loops of Central Park and back and forth from my office.)
Tuesday: 7.25 (Again, this is approximate. I ran 5 miles in fartleks and ran home.)
Wednesday: 10.3
Thursday: 11.75
Friday: 17.25 (Stupid missing a turn, me! I was trying for 18! I really hate it when I make my long run too short!)
Saturday: 12.5
12.5 + 7.25 + 10.3 + 11.75 + 17.25 +12.5 = 71.55
Oops. I was only supposed to do 61 this past week! And I've been trying to stick to the mileage, doing just the mileage or a bit less, during the beginning of the training because New York was just a month ago this weekend! I'm not going to get faster if I am overtired or if I am injured.
Speaking of that.....I just took time to go get my ice pack and put it on my foot. Brrrrrr!
"Ok. I can still poke it and I don't leap back, screaming. I'm fine." Laced up my shoe extra loosely on the right side. Put on extra layers because of the chill. Stepped outside.
My rear was numb before I stepped off the stairs. And stayed that way until 4th Avenue. Lord, do I hate this weather! But I had promised Gorgeous that I'd be there. So away I went.
Lacking any motivated route-suggester, we ended up running over the Brooklyn Bridge. Others wanted to go further, around Battery Park and the like.
By the time I got over the bridge, my right foot had swelled into the space my loose laces had created, causing it to squeal yet again.
"I'd better turn back." The dreaded words, admitting weakness.
But Gorgeous wasn't feeling 100%, either, so I got her company on the way back, as well as the company of several people new to me, though two are, apparently, not new to the group runs.
When will I get my treasured Saturday runs back on a regular basis?! I so hate feeling like an outsider in my own group!
On the way back, I must have had running brain because, near Cadman Plaza, the rest of the group went around one side of it. I thought they were planning on running further into Cobble Hill. My foot protested and I bid adieu.
But, then, as I was running on Jay Street, I saw them crossing Atlantic! Well, given my eyesight, I didn't actually see them. But Gorgeous's new jacket is unmistakable in color. Wonder who she's been getting fashion tips from? Heh.
So I race up Pacific and did a tempo run to meet them. Interestingly, my foot did not hurt at all on that part of the run. The instant I slowed down, however, it started to squeal again.
Having talked up the Bagel Hole, Gorgeous and I had no problem getting two of the new girls to accompany us up to that hallowed place. Salt bagel with butter! Mmmmmm. Best bagel combo ever.
After seeing Gorges off to the train station, my foot was twinging with more regularity. It was swollen but, occasionally, I'd have stronger pulses. I started contemplating the train, myself. But I also wanted coffee.
Ran slowly with the new girls over to Flatbush, where they were planning to pick up the Bergen Street 2/3. Decided to turn right, towards Grand Army. On a whim, I turned, instead, back onto Park Place.
I need to run more off of Eastern Parkway. That's gotten to be a habit, especially because of the group runs. I realized yesterday, trundling down Park and eyeing the parks and houses I haven't seen in ages, that I really miss running through my neighborhood, proper.
Even if that's not actually my neighborhood. But it leads to my neighborhood!
Stopped on Franklin at the new coffee shop there. Stumptown coffee! Not bad but they need to fix their coffee-to-water ratio. It's definitely off. And they need to serve more interesting food. Luckily, I still had my bagel, tucked into my jacket pocket!
Out came the bagel. Down went the bagel. Bagel consumption led to other food thoughts. Passing Dutch Boy Burgers, I wondered "Why in the sam hill did they change their bun from brioche to a cheap sesame? It makes me never want to eat there, anymore."
My foot still twinged walking but settled down after a few blocks. I miss walking in my neighborhood, too.
Trying to lose miles by going to the Bagel Hole, I actually ran about 1 1/2 miles more than if I had gone straight home! But the bagel was worth it.
Iced my foot and rolled my calf yesterday. My foot often swells if my calf is too tight. Keeping my fingers crossed!
This is why we can't have nice things
5 weeks ago
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