
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Forced out of my Cocoon

and into the bright, biting breeze. Booh.

How's that for alliteration?

Why am I so unmotivated?! I blame everything on the cold. My tiredness, my soreness, my cravings for candy and my general laze-a-bedness.

But I was meeting the Vivacious Redhead. So I perservered. Rushing a bit this morning, as I hid out under the covers until 7:00am, I managed to snag a bit of breakfast. Which was likely unnecessary, given the copious amounts of pistachios I ate last night while huddled in bed readding. But reassuring and reminding me of routine: the breakfast I always eat when I'm about to go on a training run.

Off to the cemetery for a look at the beautiful, crumbling limestone monuments and the not-so-beautiful, crumbling old subway cars parked in the subway graveyard across the way. Back around the rest of the park and then over to Milk Bar. Then, a trundle home: it was warmer than waiting for the subway. Between 10 1/2 and 11 miles.

My left foot started swelling. My back causing everything to tighten? So frustrating. I stretched a lot afterwards.

I must roll: my quad is feeling it, as well as my hamstrings, and today was an easy run. Though maybe its the coldness of my apartment making everything spasm.

I can't feel my feet.

When is winter over?

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