
Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Marshmallow River

"Just wait until 10:10," Suave said.

Whatever. I knew no one was coming. And I couldn't feel my face.

I compromised by waiting until 10:07 and then shuffled off down Mt. Auburn.

No student was going to come out in 14 degree weather to go on a Sunday morning run with someone they didn't know, emails about accomplishments or no emails about accomplishments.

I still couldn't feel my jaw.

I warmed up a bit running down Mass Ave but, once over the bridge, my hat was doing nothing to keep the icy wind from attacking my scalp.

My head started to hurt. I decided to cut my losses and turn around, shortening the run to a bit over 4 miles, with some intervals on the way back.


But the river: amazing! It's been frozen solid. With the foot of snow on top, it looks like a river of marshmallow gooeyness.

Yum. Makes me hungry thinking about it.