And (knock on wood) a pain-free knee!
Last night, after coming home late from the office, I made sure to use the rolling pin on my IT bands. I only screamed at my cat once during the process but that was due to self-restraint. Boy that made it clear that I really should have taken my roller on all my trips! I also iced and ibuprofen-ed and all those other good things.
Still, I was nervous this morning as I headed out to meet the Dancer. My legs felt tired and I was worried about my knee.
All that work, and stopping a bit early yesterday because of the pain, must have worked! The knee felt fine for the whole run! I mean, I've got 'you've gotten heavier and you want me to do what?!' pain in both my knees but that's manageable with icy hot afterwards. The IT pain was not there.
I hope it lost my address!
Beautiful morning. Sunny, with a slight breeze. Amazing weather for running in the city. Met her at GAP, where we proceeded to run down Union, over to Court and over the Brooklyn Bridge.
I must not have been on the Bridge on Sundays recently. Even on the way back, it wasn't that crowded. The tourists were totally manageable! Normally, as we all know, that bridge is to be avoided after about 8:00am. Not the case today!
After the Bridge, we ran down Lafayette and over to Broadway. Cut back to Center at Canal and then took that up to Delancey to go over the Williamsburg Bridge. So glad that we were going over the hard way first: I don't think I could have managed, pyschologically, to go over the hard way second today. Going over to Brooklyn, there's those two long hills and then the downhill is so steep its hard to run, too. At least, going back to Manhattan, you have a brief period of intense glute pain, and then its easy riding (or running, as the case may be).
Back down Lafayette to the Brooklyn Bridge. By now, it was getting hotter. Still totally in my weather zone but the Dancer was getting a bit out of her zone, temperature-wise. Instead of going to the stairs, we went down the rest of the bridge and then over to Atlantic, where I dropped her off at the bus stop on 5th and I ran up to Bergen. According to the map I did afterwards, about 14 - although I'm not sure I should trust my mapping skills, after some of my mapping recently!
All in all, a great run. The air quality was pretty bad, so both of us were having chest problems, but we were going at a relaxed pace so it didn't matter too much. The slight breeze I felt coming out of my house stayed with us the whole time. And the sun was glorious.
Two days in a row, doing Brooklyn's equivalent of hills! Not bad!
This is why we can't have nice things
5 weeks ago
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