
Thursday, April 21, 2011

At Least My Arms Will be Buff

My mantra during my run today.

As if I weren't irritated by the slowness of my running, the water bottles made it worse.

But, at least I'll have some sculpted arms, right?

Managed to get in some hills as I ran to, past, back to and around Fresh Pond before going home.

Thought of the day: how many bodies, cars and bicycles are in the middle of Fresh Pond? Does the fence make a difference?

Ah. Municipal water.

I'm hoping I got in at least 8 miles. It was one of those days where just getting in any miles feels like an accomplishment.

Now, I will go off and admire my chiseled biceps in the spring sun.


  1. Ahh. Spring sun. I spent the day at the Bronx Zoo soaking it in. Now your post (might) motivate me to try a run myself.

  2. Hahaha! I've had that thought before. Usually shortly before I throw away my water bottle & settle for unscupted arms. (I can rationalize it. "At least my legs are buff.")
