A Cloudlet!
Seriously, though. This morning, I heard "poink.poink.poink.poink."
Not a good think to hear as you are contemplating your navel and getting up gumption to get out of bed!
Much less, strap on shoes. But, strap on shoes I did: my old ones, for the puddles.
And trudged out the door. Thankfully, my knee seemed ok: the day off really helped it, I think. My legs were still that weird combination of noodle and concrete from Friday.
"Here goes!" "Yeow!"
It got better for a while, then got worse. Blondie was supposed to meet us, so we waited for a while. Putting her down to a no-show, I shoved my cell phone back into my sports bra and got everyone to start moving.
One woman dropped back quickly, leaving me with LSE and Ft. Greene (a woman I had never met but who has been doing a lot of these Sunday runs). Oh, and the syrupy air. Swimming through some Karo today!
I was lucky my phone didn't short out, given that I actually had to push myself again. Not breathing so well and slow legs=lots of sweating and and interior monologue that consists of a lot of cursing.
Some conversation took the edge of of some of that, though. Why it's always better to run with others when you are tired!
LSE stayed near us when running the outside loop until the hill at Flatbush.
Then he accellerated. Hah. Small speck in the distance. Me huffing and puffing. Even smaller speck in the distance......
One thing that was really distracting during this entire run was, in fact, my cell phone! I had it stuffed in my bra. But the bra was old, I was sweating, and I also had my inhaler and my headphones in there. Constant adjustment! I do not recommend. Leave the cell phone at home!
After texting Blondie again, and getting no response, we headed into the park. Ft. Greene wanted to do some cool-down. She ran with us until Center Drive, then begged off.
That left LSE and me. And every time that happens, he tries to up the pace a bit. Sneakily. I felt for it at first. Then, my legs felt like they were going to give out.
And then there was the hill. I realized today that I haven't done the hill in Prospect Park for about 5 months!
It didn't get smaller!
Running home, I realized I did about 10 miles. Not bad with slow legs!
Tommorrow, a run to Coney Island has been threatened. We will see!
This is why we can't have nice things
1 month ago
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