Sounds like the walk to the execution chamber, doesn't it?
Didn't have execution chamber level of dread this morning, thank goodness, but I was really nervous. Weirdly nervous, considering it was a fun run and, likely, the longest run I'll do between now and next Sunday.
But I did wake up in sweats - both types. Jittered about my house for an hour or so and then got prepped for the run. Sported a long-sleeved shirt, my PPTC singlet, my orange Dunkin Donuts hat from last year's race for good luck, and the girdle. When the Speedy Blonde saw the girdle for the first time, she burst out laughing.
They should be marketed as "Spanx for runners". Sigh.
Oh and, of course, my super-styling wind pants and wind jacket with the PPTC logo on it. And my new shoes. I was set.
Thanks to a ride to the start, the Vivacious Redhead and I were there before the lines, so we got to use the beautiful bathrooms in the beautiful grocery store on 59th and 1st with little trouble.
Grocery stores in my neighborhood smell of cat litter and slightly moldy fruit. There are always flies. This place looked like it used to be a bank. Arched ceilings competed with the gleaming produce and the upswept staircase to the second (!) floor. The bathrooms were empty of cigarette butts and stale pee and full of nice toilet paper.
These Manhattanites have the life!
I was afraid of my clothing choices after seeing Gorgeous. Always one to be warm on a run - at least in comparison to myself - she was sporting full tights. I sat and shivered. Then went back into the gleaming mecca until the very last minute.
LSE and I were supposed to lead the first group - there were so many people, we had to start in waves! That was hilarious. He's way out in front, I'm chugging along behind, and neither of us really have a clue where we are going.
Thankfully, the Speedy Blonde joined us on 166th and helped forge the course. After a fairly quiet start, I found myself chatting with the Speedy Blonde and another speedster - a woman who is just moving to New York and who did a 3:03 in Phillie last year! Wow.
I tried to talk our club up as much as possible. Recruitment has commenced!
Help arrived in the form of much-appreciated PPTC volunteers near 125th, with gatorade, water, and directions for the next part. It's much easier to get lost near the Willis Avenue Bridge when there aren't 40,000 people going the same way........
After a wrong side choice on one bridge, we regained the path. We were cutting around other runners from another club who had started earlier than us. Nothing like passing people to make you feel fast! Good to remember for the 5th Avenue hill. "Keep the pace" I kept repeating to myself on that hill, hoping I would remember come race day.
Chatting and enjoying the brightening day, we turned into the park. I imagined thousands of people on the sidelines, screaming. I picked it up a bit.
We weren't going that fast - still remains to be seen how fast I can actually go on race day. Last year, I had a tough time of the last 10, averaging about a 7:12 but it put me in good stead for the race. Maybe my relaxed pace today is right for my relaxed goals?
We'll see.......Nerves.
Procrastinating doing work by attempting the Saturday crossword - that bully. Almost done! My favorites from today:
Pieces together? Ensemble
Contrivance for taking people for a ride.......Scam
This is why we can't have nice things
1 month ago
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