Racing to meet the Speedy Blonde, I was nervous!
I mean, after all, she is not called the Speedy Blonde for nothing! And I've been under the weather. Getting over there, it was like my taking three days off made me creakier. My calf still hurt, my back hurt and my hamstrings were killing me.
I chalked it up to too much time in bed and kept on racing to meet her. Don't you hate it when work gets in the way of your leisure activities?
While I felt a lot better, we were definitely under the weather during our run today. I can't help but secretly hope that it will be as warm as today, but without all that humidity, the day of the marathon. Think about waiting around in this weather! Oh, the gloriousness.
Despite the rain and my recovery, the run sped by! Both figuratively and literally! We weren't going super slow, I don't think, although I know my body is off ( thank heavens for me being able to keep up!) and I hadn't seen her in so long that we were gabbing the whole way. I miss running with her! Plus, I'd be so much faster if I ran with her all the time........
Anyway, I ran from work and met her at Columbus Circle, whereafter we did a loop of Central Park and then I ran with her to the transverse and back to work. About 8 1/2 miles.
It started pouring at the end of our run. Would usually have been terrible, given my newish shoes and cotton shirt but it was so warm it didn't really matter.
Plus, the rain with the lowering sun made the glimpses of sky between the skyscrapers and the trees pearlescent and eerie. And we saw a rainbow!
I need not to worry about hitting or not hitting my miles this week. Earlier in the week was definitely not a result of me being a hypochondriac. Better to rest up, I'm hoping, than to hit the number I need for the week.
I hope it's not a bad omen that I left my schedule last week at my parents' house.
Now, to figure out when and how much to run next week. That, and how not to freak out before the race, get sick before the race, or freak out during or after the race if I don't hit my goals.
Easy Peasy. It's not like I stress a lot over things......Do I?
Quick post. Back to real life.
This is why we can't have nice things
5 weeks ago
It was in Brooklyn too.