
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Group Run!!!!!!

That gets extra exclamation points. It's been a LONG TIME since I've been on a group run.

I pulled that butt muscle that took FOREVER to heal.

Then, I was nervous about going outside to run - thanks, doctors! - so I tried to just aqua jog and treadmill.

I liked aqua jogging better than the treadmill. That says something.

Then, I was out of town and trying to run by myself.

Wow, was it nice to work out with people who are not involved in anything else I do during the day.

Running to the meet-up, I felt good. Great, actually, in comparison to Sunday, when I met up with History. Not having run two days in a row made a big difference, I think.

During the run down to RFK Stadium and back up to Stanton Park also felt great. I didn't get many cramps, except a light side cramp and then a couple of mild abdominal cramps during the last part of the run.

The doctor says to stop after those start happening. So I ran home. I can't tack on extra any more: it's hard for me to get past 6 miles these days.

Every time I read about someone who is doing 10, 15, 20+ miles and who is in a similar situation, I just am amazed.

Maybe if I hadn't had that muscle pull......

I'm torn, though, about the group run. On the one hand, we were going really slowly. On the other hand, we were going really slowly.

I could have gone faster, and wanted to, in parts.

Then again, no real cramping problems and certainly I wasn't out of breath. Really at all. Which is good and bad.

I need to think about this: group run slowly, where I can chat? Or some other type of exercise, like the pool?

I also almost tripped twice in the dark at the beginning of the run.

If I keep doing these, I'll have to work on that. A bit scarier than I'd have liked.

A bit over 6 miles today.

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