
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guess What?

I'm going to post more later. Exciting new technology is in my hands! This will be a great way to do the crossword!


  1. How exciting! You'll have to post if you find a good app to do the crosswords. I do them on paper because B prints them for me, but I'm not fast enough (or in training for the puzzle tournament) to justify all the paper I waste.

  2. The thing about the puzzle apps are that you can't see the whole crossword at one time and it's a bit harder to toggle between across and down.
    I still need to get used to them, and maybe it will get significantly better, but I'm not totally liking the way that you can't just easily switch from across and down, and how the puzzle tries to force you to go sequentially through the clues. As an example: I usually do the Tuesday crossword in 6 minutes or less and often five or less. Yesterday, working on it on my Ipad, it took me 10:30, I believe.
    The best technology that I've found is the super-old-school computer application, acrosslite2. You can only do the NYT on it, as far as I can tell, but it gives you the whole puzzle and (almost) all the clues at once. It is much easier to navigate.

  3. Hmm, I might have to try it out. I'm pretty slow, so I'm not sure if I'd mind the time from the scrolling, but I'm not sure about not being able to easily see a bunch of clues at once, that could be tough.

  4. You can try mine, too, if you want. You'll see what I mean: you can see some of the clues but not all the ones that you might want to see.
