Or Thursday.
Not for the day of the week: rather, for the weather.
Ran to work with the Vivacious Redhead on Thursday. The shorts I was wearing were a bit ambitious, even for the relatively balmy temperatures.
However, the train rolled all the way to Whole Foods!
I was teaching the Vivacious Redhead my trick that I use when that particular run feels long.
I pretend I'm the 3 train, then the 1 train.
Including informing the passengers in my head to which trains they might transfer, and the name of the next stop.
I don't think she found it as amusing as I did.
Then, Friday. Gorgeous Friday!
I had over-shot my miles last week: still on doctor's orders, I'm really not supposed to be running almost 50, even if I did run a lot of them at quite a relaxed pace!
But the weather was so amazing......
So I ran down to Target, to get some weights and a balance ball.
If I can't run so much, might as well lift some weights!
Decided, after taking the subway back with all of my purchases, including the weights, that carrying them that far was enough of a workout that I didn't actually have to continue working out.
We'll see how the weights thing goes. 3 times a week, maybe? Suggestions?
Sunday came the Cherry Tree. I ran to the race, then ran one loop, for a bit under 6 miles.
Half of those were with me carrying my jacket to ward off the cold as I waited for my teammates to finish their loops.
Thankfully, my relay mates weren't expecting much from me. I just couldn't breathe.
It was a weird feeling, having my legs feel great and not tired at all, while my lungs were really tight the whole time.
Feeling really slow but not pushing too much, I did my loop in 23:40, or something like that. 3.35 miles in 23:40 is something more than a bit over a 7:00/mile pace.
Think: just in November, I ran a whole marathon at a pace faster than that.
Walked around yesterday. The puffy snow made the trees look amazing.
We will see about today. No heat in my office. Might not be warm enough to brave it.
Makes me yearn for the temperatures of Friday.
Or even Thursday.
I didn't have to wear tights on Friday.
Not a complete waste of time
3 days ago
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