At least, the Crown Heights to Park Slope area is!
Again, no companions for the run. Again, I started off trying to bite back my emotions.
Being self-indulgent isn't attractive in anyone! And I've had a great time here. So why be sad?
Though my body seems to be asserting something different.
"That's it. No more sad, regular runs. I'm going to Owl's Head and back."
Determined, I picked it up a bit. My quad still doesn't feel great, even after I rolled this morning.
And then, right in front of the library......dashes the Vivacious Redhead!
In a meeting all morning, she had some major energy to burn! My legs were sore but she was really going fast!
"Off to Target!"
"Ok! Let's go!"
We ran back down Eastern Parkway to Washington, then ran down Washington to Park Ave. Back up to Myrtle, we caught the water fountains and the edge of the park - including the steep stairs! Ouch!
Over we ran to Ashland, where we headed up to Target.
Dropping her off with a wave, I girded myself up for more. My asthma was really acting up and my legs were wooden. But, if I had been planning to do almost 13 today, I had to try to get in at least close to 10!
So I trundled up Atlantic Avenue to Washington, where I headed back towards the park. I actually had to stop on the hill and take my inhaler. This is the second time recently in a short-ish run that I've had to do this. Worrisome, as I don't need my asthma to get any worse.
But, after a brief break to hack up my lungs and open up my airways, I was back at it. I had decided to do the outside of the park the harder way: clockwise.
Down Washington I went, slowing to pick around all the school children. This was a theme all the way around the park. It seemed that absolutely every class in the area was going to the zoo.
Around to the other side, then up Ocean Avenue and Parkside. The hill was rough! I stopped to 'hydrate' at the water fountain.
Up the rest of Prospect Park Southwest, then down Prospect Park West, around GAP to Eastern Parkway and then home.
I was hungry and tired at the end. I might need to take tomorrow off. Especially since I didn't get a chance to eat and refuel until several hours later.
This is why we can't have nice things
1 month ago
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