Three redheads were running down the road........
Panic! Sun streaming down, attacking my poorly-pulled-back ponytail.
Had I lost an hour?
No. Lazy-bones hadn't been up to run this early in a while. Who knew the sun was now rising by 5:30?!
Glowing redly in the bright light, the conflagration of outfit, hair and yesterday's sunburn blazed onto Eastern Parkway.
Up to GAP, where I met the other two Titian beauties. If only Gorgeous had been able to come! We would have been a complete set!
The Chestershire Cat, the Vivacious Redhead and I ran counter-clockwise around the park, running much faster than if it were just the Vivacious Redhead and me.
The Chestershire Cat was unsympathetic to any Memorial Day barbecue excuses. Onward she pressed the pace.
After tackling the Washington hill, we searched for water.
Found the one working water fountain but were repulsed by the taste and odor.
Boy was I thirsty! Too much sun!
Running down Union, we dropped the Chestershire Cat off and I ran into a bodega to get some much-needed water. I could have drunk the whole thing but knew I still had to run home. Hard to resist!
A bit less than 9 miles.
This is why we can't have nice things
5 weeks ago
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