Moving and parties do not mix.
Nor do fizzy drinks with beer or martinis.
Both moving and parties can be tiring, draining and produce a sweet melancholia.
And make for little quality sleep.
Oh, and don't forget the headaches!
After a really awesome party sending me off, orchastrated by LSE and Suave,I had a lot of last-minute packing to do.
And a serious headache. See above and add "no dinner" to it!
Plus, a serious heartache. My PPTC teammates are awesome. Some of them came to see me off even though they were racing the next day.
And even though I haven't raced for real since last year.
Ok. Have to stop talking about that. I'm tearing up.
Instead, I'll move to my first post-move run.
I'll have another first post-move run: I'm staying, temporarily, in Cambridge but have not yet gotten to my ultimate stopping point of Washington DC.
But this one was good, for a first post-move run.
Driving a car for 7+ hours on a 4 hour estimated trip makes me cranky and achy.
I almost made Suave regret his letting me stay for a month Sunday night, after one too many snappish comments.
The run pulled (almost) all of that snappishness and achiness our of me, thank goodness.
Using LSE's map of the Charles, which estimates distances, I think I got in about 10.
It's a great map but I can't do it justice: you see, I don't know what many of the bridges are named, which rather limits the usefulness of a map of bridges and loop distances over the Charles River!
But I believe I went from Harvard's campus up to Arsenal, where I crossed over and went back down to the Mass Ave bridge and back up the Harvard side of the river to JFK.
At 1:20pm onwards, this was a hot, hot run. Good call taking my water bottles! I drank through about half the water and could have used more but was afraid of the stomach slosh factor.
Good run. Lots of time to think. I now have a killer runner's tan/burn, as I forgot sunscreen.
Sports Bra tan lines are hot!
Now to figure out how to drop more weight so I can actually run faster. Ideas? I'm already planning on scaling back my portion size. And trying to do more push ups.......
This is why we can't have nice things
5 weeks ago
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