
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Got A New TV

That's pronounced "Tee Vee", by the way.

Thanks to Suave, who helped me get and set up the TV, I now have a tubeless for the first time ever.

I'm moving up in the world.

I also have Apple TV. It is awesome. I don't have to pay for cable and can pay for the shows that I actually end up watching, or stream them directly from NetFlix.

Too bad I can't get The Price Is Right or other such quality game shows. Sigh.

That's what Xena's house is for. That and ESPN RedZone.

Anyhoo. It's awesome. And easy to use, even for the technologically-challenged like me.

Except I can't switch over to the DVD player. That wasn't part of my instruction manual. And my tech advisors - Xena and Suave - were unavailable.

Drat. No Jillian for me today.

Maybe Sweating with the Oldies?

That's me in the middle, with the frizzy hair.

Didn't see that. So I downloaded Celebrity Fit Club Boot Camp.

This was NOT Jillian.

The only reason why I broke a sweat was because my apartment was about 80 degrees.

I mean, 1-foot burpies without jumping? Come on.

And it was only 37 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down.

Kinda lame.

So I spent some time doing some rolling, which I had been neglecting.

While I was doing so, I watched the first episode of The Biggest Loser, Season 12.

They were having problems carrying a pole and running/walking a mile.

I need to keep things in perspective.

1 comment:

  1. That's cool you have a flat screen finally. It seems like every week I see old, huge tvs out on the street. Crazy to think that just a few years back they were the cats meow.
